Friday, December 3, 2010

Look fabulous this holiday season!

Get a firmer body now! Look & feel great from the inside out!
With our M'lis Body Contour Wrap.

Developed by a bio-chemist form the UCLA medical center, this wrap process was originally formulated to encourage circulatory and lymphatic flow in patients.
It was meant for those suffering from diabetes or any disease that inhibited circulation, especially in the lower extremities. Research showed that because of this increased flow of both the lymphatic and the circulatory systems, the patient also was experiencing cleansing of the tissues. This, in turn, caused healthy inch loss through internal cleansing.

Not only did the body benefit internally, but the external benefits of contouring and inch loss made this wrap ideal for the spa industry as well as the medical profession. Inch loss, diminishing of cellulite, and body contouring can be permanent and completely safe. Many body wraps have come and gone, but the M'LIS Body Contour Wrap has been helping people lose inches, for over 25 years.

  • Lose up to 1/2 dress or pant size with each wrap
  • Provide cellulite reduction through detoxifying body cleansing
  • Benefits are immediate and the inch loss is real
  • Addresses the real causes of cellulite in a holistic way
  • Warm, luxurious, pampering and comfortable
  • Not a water loss-skin and body stay hydrated
  • Inch loss permanent
  • Sanitary
Provides results with in-spa treatment as well as home care treatments to maximize benefits.
A series of 3-6 body wraps is recommended

There should be 4-7 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on a weight loss program, a wrap is suggested for each 5-10 pounds lost.

Guarantee of 4 to 14 inches in 1 hour. This is not a weight loss, but a permanent inch loss. The inches will only return if the client goes back to old habits. Eating the right types of foods, proper exercise, and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day are always recommended.

Check out this video for before and after pics!
M'lis Video

If you have any questions or would like to set up a consultation call us at 615 794 5282

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