- It cleanses the liquid waste system.
- Aids in the removal of cellulite by softening, breaking down and freeing trapped toxins and waste materials in the connective tissues through normal body functions.
- Stimulates circulation to aid in healing areas of problems due to poor circulation.
- Creates circulation through a niacin-based cream.
- Uses plastic wrap to help hold in heat, and creates pressure on the toxic areas to act as acupressure to stimulae lymphatic flow.
- Reduces water retention.
- Tightens and tones the skin.
- Helps a client to lose one half dress or pant size per treatment.
- Is critical to any health program. (Particularly Fibromyalgia, Candida, Weight Loss, or any other health issue that involves a depleted immune system)
- Works in conjuction with any nutritional program (Ask us about our 24 Day Challenge program), as it enables a person to lose excess inches while losing weight--- One wrap minimum is suggested for every 10 pounds lost.
- Uses a wrap that offers permanent inch loss through body cleansing, not a weight loss wrap or a water loss wrap.
SALT SOLUTIONS, MINERAL SALT WRAPS, SEAWEED WRAPS AND LIQUID HERBAL WRAPS- All promote toxins and water to come out through the pores internally to externally. Though there is a detoxification benefit, these processes dehydrate and age the skin by water loss. If there is an immediate weight loss after a wrap, this indicates that it is a water loss wrap. With an internal cleanse wrap there is no weight loss for at least 72 hours. With a water loss wrap, you may be required to wear a rubber suit or booties to promote sweat and catch the body hydration. These wraps are generally messy, uncomfortable and the inches come back as you ingest liquids again to replace hydration.
CLAY WRAPS- Act as a poultice to draw impurities, from the skin. A dehydrating wrap that tends to age the skin due to dehydration.. This is also an internal to external detoxification.
THIGH CREAMS- The main ingredient is aminophyllin. This chemical is an asthma medication, which was formulated to shrink mucous membranes so the patient could breathe. It does exactly the same externally, shrinking the cells of any moisture. The treatment is a water loss, dehydration, and the most damaging of all cellulite treatments, as it is putting a chemical into the body's blood stream.
OUR INTERNAL CLEANSING WRAPS- Our Body Contour Wrap uses herbal formulations that work externally to internally. This type of program aids in the removal of wastes that have become trapped in vulnerable parts of our bodies. It is simply a cleansing process of the tissue underneath the skin, and helps restore elasticity to loose, flabby skin. It does not dehydrate and age the skin. This is the healthies type of wrap.
A series of 3 to 6 body wraps is recommended. We have special spa packages or a membership program available!
A Good nutritional program such as the 24 day challenge is recommended. (We will give you a grocery list and meal plan. Eating cleansing foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins are very important for results to last rather than eating clogging foods, chemicals and empty calories)
Daily exercise is always recommended to encourage circulation and overall health.
There should be 4 to 7 days between each wrap. If a client is overweight and on a weight loss program,a wrap is suggested for each 5 to 10 pounds lost.
Guarantee of 4 to 14 inches lost in 1 hour. This is not a weight loss wrap, but a permanent inch loss. The inches will only return if the client goes back to old habits. Eating the right types of foods, proper exercise and drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day are always recommended.
Steps of the Body Contour Wrap
The M'lis Professional Contour Wrap may be used in two ways: for inch loss, or for detoxification and lymphatic cleansing. This amazing wrap does both for the body. The contour body wrap helps to free and remove trapped waste in the connective tissue, eliminating internal disfiguring deposits and stimulate inch loss. Wraps are often sold in a series of treatments to maximize inch loss and cleansing. The contour cream helps stimulate the lymphatic circulation while the plastic wrap acts as an acupressure to push the lymphatic fluid up into the thoracic valve, circulating the toxins back into the blood stream to get filtered out through the liver and the kidneys, promoting permanent inch loss.This 60-90 minute process is not a water loss, as clients do not sweat, and does not contain chemicals or dehydrating ingredients. Clients may wear their own swimwear or a spa bra and panties (short swim trunks for men).
- Step one: Exfoliation through Buff Body Scrub
- Step two: Measurements taken at several points on the body (this step is often skipped when the wrap is being used for detoxification and cleansing as part of a Lifestyle Change Program)
- Step three: Application of Contour Cream by a trained technician
- Step four: Wrap using a plastic film that helps to contour and tighten
- Step five: Relax for 60 minutes on a comfortable treatment table. Many spas offer reflexology, a facial, or a hand and foot massage in combination with the wrap that may be done during this step.
- Step six: Cut out of wrap
- Step seven: Rub in any remaining cream
- Step eight: Re-measure in same points
- Step nine: Client is dressed and on their way. Clients should not shower for the rest of the day to allow the cream to continue working. As there has been internal cleansing, at least half of a person's weight in ounces of water should be consumed to help flush toxins and waste from the body to maximize results.
Why Detoxify?
The only way that toxins are eliminated from the body is through the natural processes of detoxification, which occurs through the skin by perspiration, through the colon by evacuation, through the kidneys by urination, and through the lungs by respiration. When the body has accumulated more toxins than it can handle, the body in its amazing natural healing process attempts a healing response. It must force the toxins out or the body will disease and die.Toxins are eliminated out of body openings (eyes, ears, nose, rectum, urinary tract and skin). When you have a common cold, you observe mucus, pus, and fluids coming out of every opening of the body. This fluid contains toxic poisons, bacteria, and dead or damaged cells and tissues. The removal of toxin is not an illness or a disease, it is a biological cleansing process done naturally by the body. If toxins are suppressed by the chemical stuffing of symptoms, the body begins to store them. The toxins go deep into the cells and tissues and begin to cause degenerative damage, leading to lethargy, sickness, and eventually to life threatening disease.
A person finally passes the point where the body no longer has the ability to cleanse and heal itself. Cells begin to die in body organs, glands and systems. Detoxification helps to reverse this process by enabling the body to rid itself of these toxins and other trapped waste materials. For a person in good basic health, detoxification on a regular basis will help prevent illness and degenerative disease. For those with health problems, detoxification will allow the body to heal, naturally and without continuing the cycle of chemical stuffing of symptoms.
Schedule your Body Contour Wrap today!
Online Booking also available www.skinandbeyonddayspa.com
You can also text us your appointment request at 615-512-9756
Skin & Beyond Day Spa
1226 Lakeview Dr Suite A
Franklin TN 37067
Dont forget to follow up on facebook at www.facebook.com/skinnbeyonddayspa